Dear Atilla, thank you for your interesting article in which (at the end) you mention the name of INDUSTRY 5.0. My name is Michael Rada, I am the FOunder of INDUSTRY 5.0 and implement its principles since 2013 already in the real business environment of companies and businesses.
I would like to correct your assumption that INDUSTRY 5.0 is the same as SOCIETY 5.0, it is not. SOCIETY 5.0 is the answer of the Japanese government on INDUSTRY 4.0 and fits more in the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION bracket.
INDUSTRY 5.0 is not the fifth industrial revolution, but the FIRST INDUSTRIAL EVOLUTION EVER LED BY MAN (HUMAN) and it is based on the principles of waste and wasting prevention understanding four waste categories PHYSICAL, SOCIAL, URBAN and PROCESS WASTE.
I have sent you already LI networking requests, so feel free to connect and ask if any questions. Here is the link to my keynote that started on August 21, 2020, the INDUSTRY 5.0 AGE IN INDIA. Unfortunately, the link has to be removed due to MEDIUM regulation, but you can find it in my own posts or on my LINKEDIN PROFILE.
Have a nice day free of waste and wasting in all its forms and stay safe