When the online translator does not know the answer, it lies.
and we accept it
because what´s online, must be true
Some check it in different place and realize the term is not known, and still no one hijacked the term as many others including INDUSTRY 5.0
It is funny and sad at the same time how deeply we sink into the addiction on information published online.
We can’t see the forest for the trees
this is next of Czech sayings expressing very well how the volume of information available reduces our ability to understand or to use our critical thinking for critical reasoning the same people before internet did.
Many of us live in these times
We can say and compare
but more and more are those who never need to depend on their own mind, because having smart and AI led devices in their hands
- We do not need to learn how to read because a voice will read it for us
- We do not need to learn how to write because we can just talk and AI tool will turn our voice into a written text, which we will not been able to control because we will not be able to read
Who will develop new words?
Who will reduce the number of words used
so why not to stop teaching the language that is becoming obsolete
THE VOICE will not be needed anymore
So the EARS may disappear as well
I was thinking to make CEMBER the next word for the POWER OF TOUCH and WASTELESS WORLD TALKS but finally decided not to do so and wait for the next word to come.
The reason was that I came with word first before content and this is not the way I work with, but many do. CFP is one of the most common ways to do so.
Academia and Researchers create more and more CALLS FOR PAPERS asking others to submit, what they will sell after.
Book titles are booked up to a year ahead of publications and even being pre-sold, without existing.
Think about it before you spend time on the title, without spending a second on the content
Děliver results first
Have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms, stay safe, be free, and enjoy DECEMBER
Michael Rada,HUMAN