Every single day for last year I control the INDUSTRY 5.0 development daily, using Google search and restriction to last 24 hours global news I search for published items referring to INDUSTRY 5.0. Usually, 1–3 pages of results are being delivered and I control one by one.
More and more frequently I find that the “published” use the name INDUSTRY 5.0 in the SEO of the website and content, frequently without referring to INDUSTRY 5.0 inside. For him or her, it becomes BUZZWORD delivering more readers, viewers, or visitors and this is the only what matters.
When possible I do inform the content provider about the fail and frequently he or she apologizes and …
takes the content down or remove the name from the SEO
At the same time more and more frequently, we start to communicate and find out we speak the same language. I learn new information and grow up my knowledge and at the same time do deliver the knowledge from the years of INDUSTRY 5.0 implementation as well. I am happy when hired or receive the request and offer for delivering the knowledge to the company or its management in workshops, webinars, seminars, or in the direct implementation project.
Today in the morning I was delivered article published by DELOITTE US
An article that, according to GOOGLE SEARCH contains the name of INDUSTRY 5.0 and it was really there, hidden in “CULTURE” Section. Unfortunately, the text indicates that the authors did not understand the meaning, content, and scope of INDUSTRY 5.0 and this is why I contacted them offering more insight through my keynote, so as cooperation.
The company counts to the category of GIANTS
having the HUMAN under a magnifying glass DELOITTE has offices all around the world, employing only in Europe more than 6.000 employees in 18 countries.
It is interesting that none of them try to ask about INDUSTRY 5.0 online, or did they?
I am not sure despite the absence of the right content there is one point that makes me doubt and this is the name of the article
“Dawn of the virtual age: The digital health revolution begins”
Especially the first part reminds me on something
“INDUSTRY 5.0 — from virtual to physical”
This is the very first article related to INDUSTRY 5.0 published online describing the principles that woke up so much interest between the readers.
There is a five years time gap between both articles because my article was published on December 1st, 2015, and the DELOITTE article on September 23rd, 2020.
The GIANT needs five years and a global pandemic to discover, there is something wrong. Five years longer that a HUMAN need. Five years which, if not wasted, can prevent PANDEMIC happen or have such a tremendous impact on GIANTS so HUMAN BEINGS.
The only reason why there were no preventive steps is that HUMANS LISTEN TO GIANTS and GIANTS DONT LISTEN TO HUMANS.
This cause the discrepancy between, lack of communication which resulted in the negative impact of the “sudden forced change”.
GIANTS have many faces and the DELOITTE company represents just one of them. GOVERNMENTS, CORPORATIONS so as “GLOBAL PLAYERS and LEADERS” represent the same issue, MISCOMMUNICATION.
The answer to the question stated at the beginning is YES, the only condition is that the dictate of the GIANTS have to be switched to communication and the knowledge of HUMAN have to gain the true value again being paid by the GIANTS, not just stolen for own profitability.