Looking back at the images taken in 2019 I have realized that I took more than 13.000 images with my mobile phone only. Adding the videos and including the action cam, I would be close to 15K pcs or 1TB data
There is one common point, the similarity between all of them
They show up the past
When I look at the works presented online by media, scientists, experts, there is one common point, the similarity between all of them
They speak about the past
Analyzing, explaining, declaring, naming and much more
The time gap between the header image and this one is two minutes
120 seconds which change the view completely
At the moment of taking the first one I knew, I feel, that it will change soon and it is worth to remember, memorize the view on the camera of my mobile phone and I was right, as you can see and judge yourself.
When I wrote recently my articles related to generations, and especially when published firstly in Czech and later in English, I recognized what is with my texts different from all those I read before. It is the fact I wrote about topics before anybody else does and I name it before anyone did before.
I am not sure why this happens, but it happens and it is interesting that it probably happens all my life, just for a long time nobody listens or believes or trusts in the words of a child, student, or young man. People started to listen when I become a Manager and President, but the listeners did not keep my words for a long time. Usually, they listen because they have to.
This changed with the time and the main change happens when getting rid of all the business titles and only one left HUMAN
The most important title and position available for everyone
For six years already I do write and publish my daily blog. Last year I was able to prepare articles up to one year ahead of time, which are being published and name the things happening long after publication with high accuracy.
Blogging in English, I am currently one week or 10 days ahead of time, but the distance is getting bigger and bigger.
It does not matter if I complete my article one day, week, month or year ahead
What matters is the fact that the ability to see is not given by fortune, social ranking, title, or age. It is present inside. But only if connected to the ability to speak and share and with the will of others to listen to “insignificant people” it deliver the change
You may ask the development company owner why construction delayed, you will get a set of excuses delivered with a smile on the face, or you can ask the construction worker and he will name the exact reason with sweat running down his neck.
The INSIGNIFICANT and UNNOTICED ones do see much more clear what will come if the work continues, or would be stopped or changed. Nobody asks them. Better hire the high ranked advisor costing per day more than all the workers together in a month to get the same message spoken in the BUSINESS LANGUAGE the bosses understood. Language in which every word is worth gold.
What experts and advisors do is watching back
Their expertise helps them to recognize what was wrong and advise what has to be done to avoid the same mistake happen again. Unfortunately, they do not look into the future. No time. Too busy with the correction of the present time.
Some time ago I mentioned that people start to call be few years ago a visionary and they even recommend me to read books written by the TRUE and ACCEPTED probably even APPROVED VISIONARIES.
I have trouble with it
For all I met, talked and read see a very different image I see
One of the reasons can be the personal background.
I started as a blue-collar worker on a Gemba of steel factory
They frequently grow up to visionaries during long studies and occupation much cleaner than my own, working in offices, science centers, schools, on universities, to enter global organizations and politics. They live from writing and speeches. I live from the work of my hands and writing and speaking is the pressure relief valve for I can not keep it inside of me.
Everyone does create the future with his or her acting
but just few realize what they do